

So. I’m still kinda new to this blogging thing, so forgive the awkwardness. I’m treating it much the same as how I used to journal. I need a verbal release for my frustrations and this is currently the best outlet I have. I have found I can often solve things pretty well if I can just “talk them out”. More than one conversation has taken place between my mom and I that goes something like this:

Mom: hello?

Me: Hi. Ok, so, ugh!

Mom: yes?

Me: …[fill in huge long rant about current frustration that takes anywhere from 5 – 60 min, for example]… [big sigh]… ok, thanks Ma, I think that’s all I needed. Love you, bye.

Mom [used to my rants by now]: yup, no problem. Love you, bye.

So, no new developments in the schooling issue. In fact, even more frustrated than ever. But, currently waiting out a possible option.

Today’s rant? Nothing major, I guess. Just a minor self-annoyance. New job. Well, not really. Same company, same title, just a new rotation within my Project Manager’s Development Training Program. Just started the “Scheduling” department. Using a software called Primavera. I like it. However, I’m feeling very stupid. The concepts of scheduling make sense to me. The software even isn’t hard to use. Its just that there are SOOOOOOOOO many tiny nuances and adaptations from one project’s schedule to the next that could be different, that I feel like I’m flailing.

I have yet to complete one task on my own without asking my boss for help.

That makes me feel very inept. I don’t like it. She has said I’m doing fine. I prolly am doing “fine”. I’m just frustrated. I don’t like being “fine”.

Like I said, nothing big. Just annoyed.

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